Monday, February 24

The rejection of the agricultural protocol with Morocco, and CAP Crisis

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Fresh Plaza
Spain: Fepex´s three priorities

The president and the director of FEPEX, Jorge Brotons and Jose Maria Pozancos held yesterday, the first meeting with the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Miguel Arias Cañete, in order to transmit the three priorities for
horticultural sector: the sector´s rejection of the agricultural protocol of the Association Agreement between the EU and Morocco, crisis management measures and the inclusion of fruits and vegetables in the direct payments of the new CAP.

Regarding the first point, FEPEX presented the horticultural sector´s opposition to ratifying the Agricultural Protocol with Morocco by the European Parliament, due to the devastating consequences that it will have for Spanish production areas.

FEPEX considers that the current protocol is already adversely affecting the sector in employment and the viability of the farms. Only in the last year and in the tomato industry 12,500 jobs were lost. The new protocol will sharpen this problem and loss of jobs, farms and ultimately to the demise of the sector in many areas of production, which make up the main economic activity, given the dramatic differences between the wages in a country like Morocco, 0.60 cents per hour and production conditions in Spain

FEPEX also showed the minister the need to establish effective crisis management, to restore the profitability of farms, including the reform of the price of entry. It was also reported to the minister, FEPEX position on CAP´S reform, which should permit the elimination of distortions of competition which the sector is facing in the current CAP, providing full integration in direct payments and targeting assistance with maintenance criteria of productive activity and employment.

Source: Fepex



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