Sunday, February 23

The Polisario leadership reflects “the spirit of a dictatorship mafia has always been at the helm” (Khatt Echahid)

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Rabat – The current leadership of the Polisario reflects the “state of mind of a mafia dictatorship always in control and does not change one iota,” said the coordinator of the movement “Khatt Echahid” (Line of Martyr ), Mahjoub Ould Saleck. Commenting on the so-called 13th Congress of the Polisario held last December and saw the reelection of + Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz to 96.99 pc of the votes of delegates +, the opponent Ould Saleck, in a statement issued Wednesday by ” Le Quotidien de Nouakchott, “called such results” laughable ” and ” indicate a persistence of a handful of leaders whose management of the Saharawi question is scandalous, using the camp populations as a bargaining chip”.

“It’s like the mafia was not of this world with all the political changes with the Arab Spring,” he said after a meeting of opposition to the Polisario in Nouakchott, noting that “people are disillusioned by politics so lightly.” Coordinator of the “Khatt Echahid” considers that “the holding of this conference is illegitimate and illegal since it does not meet any criteria of transparency and democracy,” noting that the <<Electoral Commission>> was composed mainly of people in the pay of executive out.

He believes, moreover, that a solution to the Sahara conflict could only come “from a rapprochement between Morocco and Algeria for a consensual resolution”


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