Friday, March 28

The Moroccan Flag & Moorish-Americans: An historical perspective (Frost)

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Grand Sheik Jabbar Gaines – (…) George Washington’s letter to the Moors was dated: “City of New York, December 1, 1789 to the Sultan of Morocco,” that letter, following the permission given to Europeans to settle by way of the “Peace and Friendship treaty with the Moors” of June 28, 1786. In fact, Morocco was the first government to accept the U.S. as an independent nation. We even financed the army belonging to George Washington with gold from our empire. Otherwise, his troops would not have gotten paid. And, prior to his betrayal against the Moors, he honored the Moroccan flag (red field with green fivepointed star in the center). The five-pointed star represented love, truth, peace, freedom and justice for all of humanity. It also represented the five master tribes of El, Bey, Ali, Al and Dey. These tribes constituted the formation of the Moorish Empire. And, the annexing of these noble tribal names to your last name reconnects you and signifies you as the indigenous owners of “all” of the Americas! And, these titles are more honored than a Ph.D. from people and nations from all over the world! The Moorish flag is the oldest flag standing today. What about the U.S. flag? The U.S. does not have a flag—it yields a “banner,” thus “The Star Spangled Banner,” which is a banner of permission to engage in commerce from our sultan. (…)


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