Monday, February 24

The Millennial Project – Traveling With The Clinton Foundation To Morocco

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by Andrew Davis


Welcome to the Millennial Project, filmmaker Andrew Davis’ ongoing series exploring issues in the US and abroad that affect young citizens making a difference.

In this episode, Andrew travels to Marrakech, Morocco to take part in the most recent Clinton Global Initiative event focused on youth employment, access to water and other resources and a number of other vital issues.

According to the group’s website:

“Since 2005, members of the CGI community have made nearly 3,200 Commitments to Action, improving the lives of more than 430 million people in over 180 countries. More than 80 of these commitments are specifically designed to improve lives in the Middle East and nearly 500 additional commitments positively impact people in Africa exclusively.”

We’ll be featuring more episodes of the Andrew’s series in the near future. We hope you enjoy and please leave your feedback in the comments below!

RYOT NOTE from Andrew

The Clinton Foundation 20/30 is working to give young entrepreneurs a head start. Share this video with your friends and family then click on the Action Box to get directly involved!



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