Thursday, March 6

Switzerlan​d, UNIDO to help develop agribusine​ss in Indonesia, Morocco, Tunisia

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VIENNA, Aug. 26 (Xinhua) — Switzerland and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) had signed letters of agreement on the funding of UNIDO programmes and projects to help improve market access for food products produced in Tunisia and Morroco, and to strengthen the trade capacity of Indonesia’s fisheries export sector, UNIDO announced on Monday.

According to the agreements, Switzerland would contribute 13.7 million U.S. dollars to the funding of UNIDO programs.

In projects in Tunisia and Morocco, each running for four years, UNIDO will help strengthen the organization and governance of selected value chains, improve the productivity, quality compliance and product development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, and enhance their position in both domestic and export markets.

In projects in Indonesia, running for five years, UNIDO will support the development of trade capacities of selected value chains within the fisheries sector. The organization will in particular support the government of Indonesia on public-private dialogue in the fisheries sector, and facilitate trade linkages for Indonesian fisheries’ products in global markets.

Switzerland, UNIDO to help develop agribusiness in Indonesia, Morocco, Tunisia

Aug 27,2013

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