Tuesday, March 11

Strawberry Acreage Grows from 10 to 3,660 Hectares in 27 Years

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Fresh Plaza

The increase in the number of hectares planted with strawberries (of the Camarosa, Festival, Splendor and Fortuna varieties) in Morocco has been more than significant in recent years. From just 10 hectares in the 1980’s, the acreage expanded to 290 hectares in 1992 and reached 3,360 last season.

Its growth has taken place gradually and concentrated in the Kenitra area. This development has entailed a parallel growth in the production volume. “We have gone from 200 tonnes in 1988 to 150,000 tonnes in recent seasons,” explains Yassin Madihi, of Madihi IETD.

This increase has mostly been motivated by the greater demand for the product. The United States, Portugal, France, the Netherlands, Germany and Russia have become the main destinations for the North African country. “We can supply between 150,000 and 300,000 kilos each season, depending on the weather conditions. The fruit is shipped to these destinations, since we maintain a good communication and healthy commercial relationships with our customers.”

Kenitra, in Morocco, is a pioneering and unique area when it comes to the cultivation of strawberries. “We know that we face competition from Huelva, in Spain, but this doesn’t affect us directly, since we focus on different markets.”

For more information:

Yassin Madihi

Madihi IETD s.a.r.l.au

T: +34 602 38 55 74 / +212 762 520 292
Publication date: 12/11/2017
Author: Mara Aguilera
Copyright: www.freshplaza.com


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