Monday, February 24

Stop ACTA Brussels

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Stop ACTA Brussels

Around 300 people came to protest against Acta in Brussels. The protest started at Place de l’Albertine to end in front the Justice Court. ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) is seen by many persons as a abusive and intrusive law proposition.


Stop ACTA demonstration – Brussels 09/06/2012.

More Info

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is a multinational treaty for the purpose of establishing international standards for intellectual property rights enforcement. The agreement aims to establish an international legal framework for targeting counterfeit goods, generic medicines and copyright infringement on the Internet, and would create a new governing body outside existing forums, such as the World Trade Organization, the World Intellectual Property Organization, or theUnited Nations.

The agreement was signed in October 2011 by Australia, Canada, Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, and the United States. In January 2012, the European Union and 22 countries which are member states of the European Union signed as well. No signatory has ratified (formally approved) the agreement, which would come into force after ratification by 6 countries. After entry into force, the treaty would only apply in those countries that ratified it.

Supporters have described the agreement as a response to “the increase in global trade of counterfeit goods and pirated copyright protected works”. Large intellectual property-based organizations such as the MPAA and Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America were active in the treaty’s development.

Opponents say the convention adversely affects fundamental rights including freedom of expression and privacy. The secret nature of negotiations has excluded civil society groups, developing countries and the general public from the agreement’s negotiation process and it has been described as policy laundering by critics including the Electronic Frontier Foundation(EFF) and the Entertainment Consumers Association. (source: Wikipedia)

Tags Civil Rights, Civil unrest, Demonstration, Protest, Human Rights, March, Politics



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