Sunday, March 9

Status Quo In The Sahara “Is No Longer Tenable” – EP President

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Brussels -The status quo in the Sahara “is no longer tenable” and the entire Maghreb region would benefit from a solution of this issue through a political process, said President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz.

“The status quo (in the Sahara issue) is no longer tenable. There is no doubt that the entire Maghreb region would benefit from a solution of the issue through a political process,” he said in an interview with MAP news agency on the occasion of his upcoming visit to Morocco.

Schulz also reiterated the position of the European Union, which is to support the efforts of the U.N. Secretary-General and his Personal Envoy in search of a just and mutually acceptable solution to this issue.

“The EU wishes to achieve a concerted and mutually acceptable solution, and fully supports the U.N. personal envoy Christopher Ross,” he said.

Schulz chooses to make his first trip to a country outside the EU in Morocco, where he is expected Saturday for a two-day official visit.

During his stay in the Kingdom, Schulz will meet Saturday Prime Minister Adbelilah Benkirane, Foreign Minister Saad El Dine Otmani, and Speakers of the House of Representatives, Karim Ghellab, and the House of Advisors, Mohamed Cheikh Biadillah.

EP President, to head a strong delegation of MEPs, should also take part on Sunday in the 8th plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean (PA-UfM), whose general discussion focuses on “The UfM and the major challenges of the Mediterranean.”



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