Monday, March 10

‘Star Wars Episode VII’ Will First Shoot in Morocco

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first day of new Star Wars shoot

We’re getting to the point where there will have to be some hard and fast news on Star Wars Episode VII. The movie is scheduled to begin shooting in just over a month, after which details will certainly leak. Right now we know many participants on the technical side, and we’ve got a plot of rumors about potential cast members. Now there’s a report that specifies the first day of new Star Wars shoot, and says it will take place in Morocco.

Badass Digest reports that May 14 is the first shooting date for Episode VII, and that the location will be Morocco, with a possible trip to Tunisia. In his piece, Devin Faraci speculates that this means the new film will return to Tatooine, which isn’t a bad bit of speculation to draw out of the shooting info.


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