Thursday, March 6

Speaker Of Lower House Meets UN Under-Secretary-General And UNDP Associate Administrator

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Speaker of the House of Representatives (lower house), Karim Ghellab, met, Wednesday in Rabat, with the UN Under-Secretary-General and UNDP Associate Administrator, Rebecca Grynspan.
The two sides discussed the prospects of bilateral cooperation between the House of Representatives and the UNDP to revitalize the strategic plan adopted by the House in 2012 for the upgrading of the parliamentary action.
Ghellab surveyed the broad lines of the strategy which touches on five components, namely institutional and managerial capacities of the House, the development of legislative action, promoting control of the government action, the upgrading of diplomatic activity and the consolidation of communication with citizens.
Grynspan voiced UNDP’s readiness to provide support for the House of Representatives and to assist it in the implementation of the strategic plan.


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