Tuesday, March 18

Spain’s PM Rajoy Welcomes Result Of Scottish Referendum

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By Eurasia Review

Pres. Mariano_Rajoy

The Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy congratulated the people of Scotland for deciding yesterday to remain part of the United Kingdom and the great political project that is the European Union. Rajoy said he believes the outcome of the referendum was the most favorable choice for Scotland, the rest of the British people and Europe as a whole.

Rajoy congratulated “the Scottish people on deciding – clearly and unequivocally – to remain part of the United Kingdom and, by extension, the European Union.”

According to Rajoy, “They have done so by a wide margin, peacefully and with meticulous respect for the law in their country.”

Rajoy added, “We celebrate Scotland remaining part of the United Kingdom. We celebrate its ongoing contribution to the greatness, cohesion and development of the United Kingdom.”

In the opinion of Rajoy, “With their decision, the people of Scotland have avoided the serious economic, social, institutional and political consequences that would have stemmed from leaving the United Kingdom and Europe.”

“I strongly believe in the integration of the European Union, I believe that this is the path which has led us to overcome the tragedies of our past and enables us to successfully tackle the challenges of the future,” Rajoy said, adding, “In order to succeed in that endeavour, we need everyone; and that is why we are very happy that Scotland has decided to stay with us”.

Rajoy’s comments are relevant given that Spain is currently experiencing a growing independence movement in the province of Catalunya.


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