Thursday, January 30


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Last Friday, during a meeting with his Moroccan collegue Aziz Akhannouch, the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture Miguel Arias Cañete, declared: “The future can be created only through dialogue”, defending the importance of the negotiating with Morocco.

The two committees met to discuss the market’s situation, prices evolution, the respect of quotas and the compliance of the prices of food exported from Morocco to Europe, after the EU-Morocco bilateral agreement.

According to the Ministry, the important thing is “ noone of the two partner Countries should suffer any damage” and he assured: “ Both Morocco and Spain are interested incooperating to mantain good prices on European markets”.

Arias Cañete spoke during the joint press conference made with his Moroccan collegue, Aziz Akhannouch, after ending the first meeting of the Spanish – Moroccan joint committee for fruit and vegetables that took place at the headquarters of the Minister, with the presence of important officers of the two administrations and of the most part of the fruit and vegetables sector’s representatives of the two Countries.

Spanish agricultural associations, such as Asaja and Upa, along with food cooperatives and Fepex, took part in the meeting.

The Spanish Ministry underlined that the meeting was attended by the representatives of the whole agricoltural production of Spain, meaning that “everyone who tries to start a dialogue can create a future, because those who don’t want dialogue are attached to syndacates, and they have never solved problems”.

On the occasion, Arias Cañete reminded that Spain and France have been involved in a joint committee for long and that this has lead to the improvement of the bilateral relations between the two Countries. Therefore, to repeat this “successful model” with Morocco is the only road to take, underlined the Spanish Ministry, warning that: ” who only wants to protest, may as well do it; but those who want to create something should sit at the negotiating table because problems can be solved only with negotiations”.

Source: Spanish Ministry MAGRAMA



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