Tuesday, March 4

Spain imported a record volume of tomatoes in first half of 2019

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Fresh Plaza

According to data from the Estacom statistical office (Icex-Tax Office), Spain’s tomato imports amounted to 75.31 million kilos in the first half of 2019, the highest figure in history. This entails that Spanish imports of this product have increased by 152.2% in the last five years.

The total value of the tomato imports has stood at € 65.61 million. The average price was € 0.861 per kilo.

The country that sold the most tomatoes to Spain in the first half of 2019 was Morocco, with 36.95 million kilos. Spain paid a total of € 34.69 million for these, with an average price of € 0.939 per kilo. Compared to the same period in 2015, the volume of tomatoes imported from Morocco has increased by 168.3%.

The second largest supplier of tomatoes in the first six months of 2019 was the Netherlands, with 14.25 million kilos worth € 11.63 million, and an average price of € 0.816 per kilo. Portugal ranked third and sold 10.03 million kilos at an average price of € 0.944 per kilo. In total, Spain paid the neighboring country € 8.97 million for those tomatoes.

France was number four, with 6.44 million kilos of tomatoes worth € 4.65 million and an average price of € 0.723 per kilo. The fifth in the ranking was Belgium, with 4.35 million kilos worth € 3.1 million, at an average price of € 0.705 per kilo.

Source: hortoinfo.es


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