Thursday, March 6

Spain: human traffickin​g ring nabbed in Melilla Smuggled clandestin​e migrants into Spain at exhorbitan​t prices

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Spanish police on Friday arrested four people and impounded three vehicles belonging to a clandestine migrant trafficking ring in Melilla, the Spanish enclave in Morocco, police sources said.

Made up of both Moroccans and Spaniards, the ring made an average of 200,000 euros a month by charging up to 55 Sub-Saharan migrants 3-4,000 euros each in return for smuggling them into Melilla in hidden compartments aboard trucks or in car trunks.

The traffickers counted on a fleet of hundreds of vehicles, plus a network of garages in Melilla where they could be taken apart in secret, police said.

The four arrested in today’s operation made up the hard core of the organization, but more arrests could be made in the next few days, investigators said. They will be charged with crimes ”against the rights of foreign citizens” and with human trafficking. (ANSAmed).



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