Monday, February 24

Spain and Morocco satisfied with the development of the strawberry campaign

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Fresh Plaza

The sub-delegate for the Huelva Government, Enrique Pérez Viguera, along with the Consul of Morocco in Seville, Mohammed Yebari, showed their satisfaction for the development of the strawberry campaign in Huelva, where around 2,500 Moroccans work after being hired at origin.

Pérez Viguera and Mohammed Yebari analyzed how the year went regarding the strawberry harvest and agreed in highlighting the cooperation between both countries. A cooperation that was specially noticed when the time came to start the procedures to hire working hands coming from Morocco for strawberry harvest in agricultural exploitations in the province.With this visit, “it’s clear that the relations between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Government of Spain are quite good,” underlined Pérez Viguera after highlighting the interest of the Moroccan consul in intensifying the contacts with the sub-delegation of Huelva.

On the other hand, the Local Government of Andalucia widen the due date for presentation of allegations to the System of Geographic Information for Agricultural Parcels Identification (SGIAPI) by holders of areas destined to strawberry cultivation and other red fruits, that concentrate in Huelva 90% of the Spanish production.

Source: Huelva Información

Publication date: 7/4/2012




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