Saturday, March 29

Sound Energy Kicks Off New Morocco Well Programme

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Proactive Investors
Jamie Ashcroft

The oil and gas firm is re-entering the Koba-1 well, part of the Sidi Moktar project in central Morocco.

A ten-day work programme is anticipated.

Sound Energy PLC (LON:SOU) has kicked off a new programme at the Sidi Moktar project in Morocco, where it is re-entering the Koba-1 well.

The plan is to re-enter the well to perforate and test Lower Liassic reservoir, as well as possibly the Argovian, Sound explained.

It is anticipated to be a ten-day work programme, and it will be followed by a similar programme for Sidi Moktar’s Kamar-1 well.

Sound Energy highlighted that the Sidi Moktar area, which spans 2,700 square kilometres, is located close to infrastructure and gas demand, including a large scale phosphate plant which is owned by the Moroccan state.

Badile – Italy exploration

Sound Energy also noted that drilling operations for the Badile exploration well, near Milan in Italy, is now nearing the final stages.

The well has now reached a measured depth of 4,328 metres, and drilling is ongoing towards the targeted reservoir which is expected to be penetrated later this month.


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