Tuesday, February 25

Show a lil’ respect! Sherine gets blasted for not canceling Morocco show

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Sherine_Abdel_Wahab_CriticizedR-E-S-P-E-C-T: That’s what fans want fromEgyptian superstar, Sherine Abdel Wahab. The songstress made an announcement that she will be busting out the high notes in the closing ceremony of the Women Voices Festival in Morocco later this week, the 24th of August.

It didn’t take long after the word spread for fans throw down some contradictory opinions on the upcoming concert. Those opposed to the idea ofSherine jet-setting to Morocco claimed it was a disrespect to all the lives lost in her homeland last week.

According to the Middle East news portal Elaph, despite the fact that Sherine had made her announcement to participate in the event last Tuesday and before the devastating tragic bloodshed that took place in Egypt, fans made harsh attacks against her and demanded that she backs out of her previous decision and not attend the event as a way of showing respect to the lives lost.

Will she, or won’t she go? We shall see, but we can bet she means no harm if she does continue to take the gig.


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