Monday, February 24

Settlement Of The Sahara Issue, Necessary To Head Off “Toxic Alliance” Between “Polisario” And Al-Qaeda Of Islamic Maghreb

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Washington – There is “urgency” to find a settlement to the Sahara issue in order to “head off the toxic alliance that has developed between the Polisario and Al-Qaeda of Islamic Maghreb,” wrote on Thursday the Washington Post.

“The brew of drug trafficking, human trafficking, kidnapping and terrorism, if allowed to bubble over, has the potential to undermine” the security in “the Maghreb and beyond,” the author of the articlem Jennifer Rubin, pointed out.

This situation, she noted, is even more precarious with the political vacuum left by failed states in the Sahel region provides an opportunity for terrorist groups to position themselves and establish their own sanctuaries as they did in northern Mali.

The collusion between the AQMI and the polisario “is a major security threat, not only for Africa and the Maghreb, but for Europe,” warns about this, Youssef Amrani, Minister Delegate for Foreign Affairs, whose remarks were quoted by the Washington Post.


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