Tuesday, March 18

Séché Environnement: Tredi (Seche Group) Becomes Established In Morocco

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Moroccan Environment Minister inaugurates new transformer treatment and materials recovery facility.

Séché Environnement (Paris:SCHP):

On November 17, Madame El Haité, Morocco’s Minister for the Environment, opens Tredi’s new facility in Casablanca, specializing in the treatment of transformers contaminated with PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls).

A first in Morocco

As part of a national program (in which the participants are Morocco’s Ministry for the Environment, UNIDO, UNDP and the Global Environment Facility), Tredi, a subsidiary of Seche Environnement, and its Moroccan partner Morocco Maintenance Environnement (MME) open a treatment and recovery facility which will process PCB-contaminated electrical equipment. The site is located at Bouskoura, a suburb of Casablanca.

This is the first such facility to operate in Africa, and is the result of exemplary cooperation between two industrial partners, one French and one Moroccan. It positions Morocco in the forefront of protection of the environment.

Tredi is one of the world’s foremost specialists in the elimination of hazardous waste, and is recognized in particular for its expertise in PCB treatment. Its Saint Vulbas site, situated in the industrial area of the Plaine de l’Ain in south-eastern France, is one of the largest centers for the treatment and elimination of PCB-contaminated materials within Europe.

Tredi has transferred to its Moroccan site its know-how in the areas of decontamination and rehabilitation of PCB-contaminated equipment, as well as its technical skills in the management of chemical risks on sites classified for the protection of the environment.

Tredi has also put in place technical facilities and equipment such as analytical laboratories and dechlorination plants, and provided specific training for all Moroccan employed.

This new treatment and materials recovery site for transformers contaminated with PCBs is a fine example of industrial cooperation based on technology transfer and the sharing of experience.

A fitting response to Morocco’s national plan to eliminate PCB pollution

Morocco, which ratified the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in 2004, enshrined its Convention commitments in a National Implementation Plan on May 2, 2006, which established a comprehensive program to manage and eliminate PCBs.

This program includes an institutional framework, a national inventory of PCBs and a risk evaluation process, and was set up in collaboration with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

This facility is an operational tool which will contribute to the successful technical implementation of this ambitious plan, unique in a country of the South, notably thanks to its ability to collect, sort and isolate the hazardous waste substances contained in PCB-contaminated transformers, before eliminating them and/or recovering value from them.

About Séché Environnement

Séché Environnement is one of the leading players in France in the treatment of, and resource recovery from, all types of waste from industry and/or from local communities.

Séché Environnement is the leading independent operator in France, with a unique positioning as the specialists in managing technical risks, at the hub of closed, high-entry-barrier markets for waste recovery and treatment.

Its facilities and expertise enable it to provide high value-added solutions to its industrial and public authority clients, targeting the challenges of the circular economy and sustainable development requirements such as:

materials recovery or energy recovery from hazardous and non-hazardous waste;

all types of treatment of solid, liquid or gaseous waste (thermal, physical-chemical or biological treatment);
landfill of final hazardous and non-hazardous waste;

eco-services for decontamination, decommissioning, asbestos removal and site rehabilitation.

Based on its comprehensive know-how, the Group is actively developing its business on waste management outsourcing markets for its clientele of large local authorities and major industrial companies, in France and other countries.

Séché Environnement has been listed on Eurolist by Euronext since November 27, 1997.

The stock is eligible for French PEA-PME status. It forms part of the CAC Mid&Small Index and the EnterNext PEA-PME 150 Index.

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This press release may contain information of a provisional nature. This information represents either trends or targets at the date of the press release’s publication and may not be considered as results forecasts or as any other type of performance indicators. This information is by nature subject to risks and uncertainties that are difficult to foresee and are usually beyond the Company’s control, which may imply that expected results and developments differ significantly from announced trends and targets. These risks notably include those described in the Company’s Registration Document, which is available on its website (www.groupe-seche.com). This information therefore does not reflect the Company’s future performance, which may differ considerably, and no guarantee can be given as to the achievement of these forward-looking figures. The Company makes no commitment on the updating of this information. More complete information on the Company can be found on its website (www.groupe-seche.com), under Regulatory Information. This press release does not constitute an offer of shares nor a solicitation in view of an offer of shares in any country whatsoever, including the United States. Distribution of this press release may be subject to the laws and regulations in force in France or abroad. Persons in possession of this press release must be aware of these restrictions and must observe them.

Séché Environnement
Manuel Andersen, +33 (0)1 53 21 53 60
Head of Investor Relations


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