Wednesday, March 5

SD lawmakers visit with leaders in Morocco

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Three state lawmakers have returned to South Dakota after meeting with business and government leaders from the African country of Morocco.

KELO television reports ( ) that Sen. Jason Frerichs and Reps. David Lust and Bernie Hunhoff went on the trip funded by the State Legislative Leaders Foundation, a bipartisan organization that works with U.S. legislative leaders.

Morocco has a constitutional monarchy, with a bicameral legislature, a prime minister and a king, who is also the residents’ Islamic religious leader.

The lawmakers had a chance to study the country’s government and learn about trade relations.

Frerichs said one thing that’s relevant for South Dakota is that the country has about 90 percent of the world’s phosphate reserves. A government-invested company has the authority to perform the mining of that phosphate.


Information from: KELO-TV,


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