Monday, March 10

Samples Assayed at Silver Hill Extend Potential Strike Length to 2.0 km of High-Grade Mineralization

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Globe News Wire – Source: Trigon Metals Inc.

Trigon Metals Inc. (TSX-V: TM) (“Trigon” or the “Company”) is pleased to report assay results from grab samples taken at the Company’s Silver Hill copper-silver project (“the Project”) in Morocco. Notably, surface sampling returned positive results from a newly identified area of mineralization, containing evidence of historical mining – sample J10 returned 112g/t silver and 6.80% copper. The new area is presumed to be an extension of the uppermost structure drilled and reported by Trigon on August 10, 2020. This result extends the known area of mineralization 1.2 km beyond the previous work, increasing the potential strike length to at least 2 km.

The remainder of the work focused on the second structure that to date has reported higher grade copper and lower silver grades than the first structure (upper most structure). Work included sampling of outcrop on a road cut in the area, notably sample J2 returned 5.84% copper and 1 g/t silver. Samples were taken from walls of a historical adit, approximately 20 m from the entrance. Notable results include sample J3 with 5.04% copper and 24 g/t silver and sample J5 with 14.32% copper and 280 g/t silver. Waste piles outside of the adit were also sampled returning extraordinary copper results – J6 returned 12.40% copper and 32 g/t silver, and J9 returned 21.39% copper and 24 g/t silver. Samples were analyzed for silver and copper using Inductively Coupled Plasma – Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (“ICP-AES”) prepared using four acid absorption in Marrakech, Morocco by African Laboratory for Mining and Environment (“AfriLab”).

See below for table of results, map of locations and images of samples.

Jed Richardson, president and CEO of Trigon Metals, commented, “We are very pleased with the new results from Silver Hill which demonstrate that the mineralization extends beyond the area that was initially identified. On the success of the sampling at J10, the upcoming drilling program will target this area in addition to testing down dip extensions from the mineralization identified by the previous shallow drilling.”

Table 1 – Silver Hill Samples


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