Sunday, March 30

Royal Canadian Navy’s New Maritime Tactical Operations Group Continues To Grow

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Ottawa Citizen
David Pugliese, Ottawa Citizen


The first class from the Royal Canadian Navy’s Maritime Tactical Operators Course graduated on the east coast a few weeks ago. The graduates will go on to become members of the RCN’s Maritime Tactical Operations Group (MTOG), providing what is called an Enhanced Naval Boarding Party.

The next MTO course will take place next February in Esquimalt.

MTOG is expected to expand to between 85 and 100 personnel over the next several years.

The RCN established MTOG since it saw the need for a full-time dedicated unit that would be capable of conducting boardings in cases where the threat could be higher.

MTOG will be able to back up JTF2 or other CANSOFCOM units in maritime operations. It will also be able to conduct its own missions or be used in international training.

The navy’s existing boarding teams will continue their duties, but MTOG will be used on riskier missions.

As noted by the RCN, the graduates undergo advanced tactical training which includes shooting, hand-to-hand combat, advanced medical instruction and close quarters battle skills.

The photos included here are of the Enhanced Naval Boarding Party from Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) FREDERICTON, which is participating in a multi-national boarding exercise with NATO ships’ boarding teams from Spain and Morocco during Operation REASSURANCE. The photos were taken May 16, 2016. Photos courtesy Combat Camera.



I was out on the water with MTOG last year. You can read about that here as well as view the accompanying video:

New navy tactical unit confronts danger on the high seas

More from David Pugliese, Ottawa Citizen


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