Wednesday, March 5

Rouen Weekly Grain Shipments Climb 13% on Cuba, Algeria Cargoes

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By Rudy Ruitenberg

Grain exports from the French port of Rouen, Europe’s biggest cereal-shipping hub, rose 13 percent in the week ended yesterday as Cuba took the most wheat in more than a year and cargoes destined for Algeriapicked up.

Outbound grain amounted to 199,407 metric tons from Dec. 8 to Dec. 14 compared with 175,735 tons a week earlier, the Seine River port said in an e-mailed report today. Export cargoes included 189,182 tons of wheat, as well as barley and corn.

Morocco was the leading destination with 57,330 tons of wheat, followed by Cuba with 48,902 tons of the grain, the most since September 2010. Algeria, the biggest importer of French grain, took 38,850 tons of wheat after nothing was shipped a week earlier.

Rouen accounted for 45 percent ofFrance’s maritime grain exports in 2009-10, ahead of La Pallice on the Bay of Biscay, which shipped out 19 percent, according to data from national crops office FranceAgriMer.

Rouen grain loadings by destination, in tons:

                   Dec. 8-14
Morocco              57,330
Cuba                 48,902
Algeria              38,850
Cameroon             21,300
Ivory Coast           9,135
Gabon                 6,700
Benin                 5,250
U.K.                  1,715

Spain                 4,375
Netherlands           2,950

U.K.                  2,900

To contact the reporter on this story: Rudy Ruitenberg in Paris

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Claudia Carpenter


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