Monday, March 3

Rouen Grain Exports Jump 12% on Algeria Wheat Cargoes

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By Tony C. Dreibus

Grain cargoes exported from the French port of Rouen, Europes biggest cereal-shipping hub, gained 12 percent in the seven days through yesterday, the Seine River port said.

Cereal shipments totaled 179,995 metric tons, up from 160,578 tons the prior week, the port said in an e-mailed report. Exporters shipped 142,745 tons of wheat, including 102,300 tons to Algeria, according to the report.

Rouen accounted for 45 percent ofFrances wheat exports in 2009-10, ahead of La Pallice on the Bay of Biscay, which shipped out 19 percent, according to data from national crops office FranceAgriMer.

Rouen grain loadings by destination, in tons:

 Oct. 20-26
Algeria 102,300
Ireland 3,000
Portugal 7,250
U.K 1,725
Morocco 26,750
U.K 1,720
Algeria 26,250
Morocco 11,000

To contact the reporter on this story: Tony C. Dreibus at tdreibus

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Claudia Carpenter atccarpenter2.


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