Monday, February 24

RFK Center Refuses To Meet Opponents Of Polisario -Jeune Afrique

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Paris – The international weekly “Jeune Afrique” highlighted the notorious alignment of the president of Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) Centre for Justice and Human Rights, Kerry Kennedy, with the theses of polisario that caused her to ignore “opponenents” in the Tindouf camps where she contented herself with meeting officials.

“If she was received by Mohamed Abdelaziz, head of the polisario front, Mrs Kennedy did not, however, met with the opponents of the movement who had so requested. This did not prevent her from saying she was ‘moved’ by her visit to the camps,” the publication writes in its latest issue.

The magazine notes that the Moroccan authorities have authorized Mrs. Kennedy and her delegation to visit the southern provinces for three days, whereas the delegation remained only a few hours “under protection” in the Tindouf camps.
Even though Kerry Kennedy’s “pro-Polisario” positions are “known”, the Moroccan authorities have allowed her to work “without let or hindrance”, it says.

The publication expects that the report the president of the RFK Foundation will submit to the UN, the African Union and the European Union on the situation in the Sahara will be unfavorable to Morocco, in view of her notorious alignment with the separatists’s theses.


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