Saturday, March 8

Report lauds Morocco interfaith efforts

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Morocco has made great strides in promoting tolerance, a recent study concluded.
By Hassan Benmehdi for Magharebia in Casablanca

[AFP/Abdelhak Senna] Muslims and Jews enjoy equal rights to practice religion in Morocco, a recent survey says.[AFP/Abdelhak Senna] Muslims and Jews enjoy equal rights to practice religion in Morocco, a recent survey says.
Morocco is becoming a trailblazer in the Arab world in terms of countering extremist ideology and promoting “tolerance, respect and dialogue among religious groups”, according to a just-published report.

In its latest study on religious freedoms around the world, the US Department of State noted that Moroccan law guarantees freedom of religion.

The government is determined to press on with its intention “to encourage tolerance, respect and dialogue among religious groups”, the July 30th report found.

The document also recognises the efforts made to promote moderate Islam and tolerance. Jewish Moroccans and Christian communities enjoy freedom of religion and are allowed to hold their religious services without restrictions.

“There are no prohibitions on religious clothing or symbols in either the public or the private sphere,” the report says.

It noted that Jewish cultural heritage is taught at some Moroccan universities as part of efforts to spur interfaith dialogue. The Department of Islamic Studies at the University of Rabat, for example, offers classes in Hebrew and comparative religious studies.

Political analyst Abdelmalek Nafih commented that the terrorist attacks that have beset Morocco since 2003 highlight the importance and necessity of reviewing the country’s policy on religion.

“At a time when the extremist media is constantly putting out fatwas left, right and centre, combating radical ideology will certainly not be an easy task for Morocco,” he told Magharebia. “The slightest negligence in this regard could be costly.”

University researcher Mustafa Moulay El Mehdi underlined that Morocco has consistently shown that it wants to bring an end to the disorder in the religious sphere.

“The main goal of the religious reforms that Morocco has pursued since 2004 has been to safeguard the country against extremism and backward thinking,” he said.

To counter extremist ideology, Morocco also needs to open a dialogue with those who do not believe in the value of tolerance, said 52-year-old Islamist campaigner and engineer Abdelhadi.

“We need to inspire hope in them by explaining to them the virtues of dialogue and respect for others,” he said. “We must reach out to them, talk to them and get them on board, because it’s when they retreat into themselves that they become ready to do irreparable damage.”

The Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs confirmed that reform of religious affairs does not mean re-establishing control over religion.

In his July 30th speech to mark Throne Day, King Mohammed VI stressed that Morocco espouses Sunni Islam, which advocates compromise and tolerance and outlaws extremism, fanaticism and ostracism.

“We have also created the High Council of Ulemas as a constitutional institution which fulfils its duties with regard to fatwas,” the king said.

Eight years ago, the Moroccan sovereign endorsed a new approach to promote a moderate, open and tolerant form of Islam.



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