Monday, March 10

Regional Experts and Potomac Institute Leadership Discussed Current Issues and Potential Paths Forward in Global Challenge of Terrorism

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The video from the Jan. 24 event at the National Press Club, hosted by the Potomac Institute for Policy studies and co-sponsored by:

  • Inter-University Center for Terrorism Studies
  • International Center for Terrorism Studies, at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies
  • Inter-University Center for Legal Studies, at the International Law Institute
  • Center for National Security Law, University of Virginia School of Law is now available. Click here to view the video.

Regional Ambassadors Join Potomac Institute to Discuss International Cooperation in Combating Terrorism

Situational Awareness, Cohesive Strategy and Policy, and Opportunities for Economic Development, Are All Key To Building Cooperation

The year 2013 represented the most troubling security challenge since 9/11, with the largest number of terrorist attacks occurring across the world. The battle is generational, institutional, and unavoidable. Without more effective international cooperation the cost to the global community will continue to grow in 2014.

Ambassadors from embassies of Egypt and the Kingdom of Morocco, as well as the recently retired ambassador from the Republic of Mali, joined Potomac Institute leadership at the National Press Club Jan. 24 for the 16th annual discussion on the way ahead for “International Cooperation in Combating Terrorism.”

Institute CEO and Chairman Mike Swetnam opened the discussion, and Prof. Yonah Alexander, Director, Inter-University Center for Terrorism Studies, and Senior Fellow, Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, moderated the discussion. Speakers included:

  • General (ret.) Alfred Gray, Twenty-Ninth Commandant of the United States Marine Corps; Senior Fellow and Chairman of the Board of Regents, Potomac Institute for Policy Studies
  • Ambassador Mohamed M. Tawfik, Embassy of Egypt
  • Ambassador Rachad Bouhlal, Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco
  • Ambassador (ret.) Al Maamoun Baba Lamine Keita, Former Ambassador of the Republic of Mali to the United States

Dr. Edward Luttwak, Senior Associate, Center for Strategic and International Studies, provided commentary, and Prof. Don Wallace Jr., Chairman, International Law Institute gave the closing remarks.


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