Thursday, February 27

Rabat hosts third round of EU-Morocco discussions for new Fisheries Agreement Protocol

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ENPI Info Centre

The third round of negotiations on a new protocol of the Fisheries Agreement between EU and Morocco took place in Rabat on 15 and 16 January 2013, an EC press release said yesterday. Following two rounds essentially dealing with the technical conditions that would apply to the EU fleet under the new protocol, the discussions dealt with financial aspects as well as with political issues.

The press release said that at this stage, the parties agreed to consider an increase of fishing opportunities, whereas technical conditions are being revised for certain fishing categories, with a view to optimise future fishing efforts. Both sides have also exchanged views about the envisaged financial support of the fishing sector in regard to programming, implementation and reporting conditions.
The talks will intensify over the coming weeks, with a next round foreseen in Brussels at the end of January. (EU Neighbourhood Info)
Read more
EU Neighbourhood Info Centre webpage – Morocco

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