Monday, March 10

Press Release from the Moroccan Association for Human Rights Following the Assassination of Kamal Hassani

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The Moroccan Association for Human Rights condemns the killing of activist Kamal Hassani and demands the prosecution of all those directly or indirectly involved in this crime.The Central Committee of the Moroccan Association for Human Rights (AMDH), has learned with dismay and astonishment, on Thursday, October 27, 2011, the news of the assassination of the militant and martyr Kamal Hassani, a member of the local coordination of the February 20 Movement and head of the Beni Bouayach-El Hoceima section of the National Association of Unemployed Graduates in Morocco (ANDCM). The martyr Kamal Hassani was stabbed on broad daylight, in full view of everyone, by an element of the “Baltajiyas”, a group known for its harassment and intimidation directed at February 20 Movement activists, in full knowledge of citizens and officials, and with complete impunity. These facts require that the judicial authorities take their responsibilities seriously and initiate an investigation to identify those responsible directly or indirectly in this heinous crime. A crime that marks a turning point in the criminal acts perpetrated by the Baltajiyas, and which have grown in number since the announcement of the constitutional referendum on June 17.AMDH, through the press releases of its Central Committee and those of its sections, the statements of its officials and the correspondence sent from its Central Committee to the office of the Minister of the Interior, as well as that of the Coordination of the Moroccan Human Rights Organizations, has already warned officials against violating the Law by trying to play with fire, sponsoring and encouraging criminal elements in order to intimidate and terrorize February 20 Movement activists, organizations and individuals who support them, or journalists who cover their activities. No proceedings were instituted by the authorities, despite repeated warnings and the video evidence that was presented to them. The interior minister merely investigated some cases that led to no prosecution or results, notably the murder cases of the martyrs Kamal Amari and Mohammed Boudouroua, both in the city of Safi.Meanwhile, the savage attacks against activists of the February 20 Movement continued, perpetrated by law enforcement elements and baltajiyas alike. And it was the activists who were imprisoned, starting with the young rapper Mouad Belghouat (Al Haqed) and members of the AMDH, sometimes sentenced after summary trials where the right of defense and guaranties of a fair trial were not met.The Central Committee of the Moroccan Association for Human Rights, by raising the alarm on the escalating crackdown agaisnt the February 20 Movement, and by recalling the State’s responsibility in protecting the lives and the personal security of the activists of the movement and that of all Moroccan citizens, victims of abuses from the Baltajiyas, is also:1 – Bowing respectfully before the soul of the martyr Kamal Hassani and extending its sincere condolences to his family and his comrades in the February 20 Movement and the National Association of Unemployed Graduates in Morocco.2 – Strongly condemning the perpetrators of this crime. AMDH considers that the authorities, by their stubborn sponsorship and encouragement of elements and practices of the Baltajiyas against activists—and in total impunity, are using these same elements as informal agents of repression, in a clear violation of the state’s own claims at protecting the right to life and physical safety and the right to expression and manifestation for all citizens.3 – Requesting a serious and honest investigation into the circumstances of the murder of activist Kamal Hassani, in order to determine the responsibilities and to apply the law on those who are directly or indirectly involved in this heinous crime.4 – Requesting an end to the laxity that characterizes the investigations related to the murders of February 20 Movement martyrs and the impunity enjoyed by the perpetrators of these crimes. The ADMH is also asking for the complaints filed against the baltajiyas to be processed.5 – Calling upon all the forces to oppose the dangerous policy of “punishment by proxy” that does not bode well for this country.The Central Committee of the Moroccan Association for Human Rights,Rabat, October 31, 2011

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