Sunday, February 23

Polisario Loses Supporter in US Congress Over Sexual Harassment

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The North Africa Post

The #MeToo campaign, which shows no signs of abating in the United States, has forced a Congressman to resign, making the Polisario lose one of its few supporters in the US Congress.

John Conyers, Democrat of Michigan and co-chairman of the pro-Polisario “Western Sahara Caucus” in the US Congress, announced Tuesday his “withdrawal from politics” after the opening of an investigation on accusations of sexual harassment against him.

It all started when a former assistant revealed in an interview with the outlet how the Congressman, who claimed to defend civic rights and human rights, used to make sexual advances to his female assistants.

The outlet revealed that under a secret deal dating back to 2015, the Congressman paid $27,000 to buy the silence of one of his former assistants, who accused him of having dismissed her abusively because she rejected his sexual advances.

After the interview, several other victims claimed they have been sexually harassed by John Conyers for years.

The Ethics Committee of the House of Representatives had recently announced that it was investigating allegations of sexual harassment by John Conyers against former female assistants.

In view of the uproar triggered after the outbreak of the scandal, the pro-Polisario lobbyist and Democratic Minority Leader in the judiciary Committee was forced to resign. His resignation letter was sent to speaker of the House of Representatives on Tuesday (Dec.5) and the Polisario has lost a supporter, but a mean one.

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