Tuesday, February 25

Polisario Has No Legitimacy To Represent Sahrawis – International Expert

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All Africa
Maghreb Arabe Presse (Rabat)

International expert and lawyer Nykaky Lygeros said on Thursday, before the UNGA 4th Committee in New York, that the Polisario has no legitimacy to represent Sahrawis, noting that this entity is only a “tool at the service of a fallacious policy”.

“The Polisario has no will to represent the population of the Sahara region, it uses the pretext of its existence to exploit financial and diplomatic resources,” Lygeros pointed out.

The Polisario is only an “ideological mistake as an entity”, in the sense that it cannot convince the population of the Sahara region or the international community as to its objectives.

The inhabitants of the Sahara region, he said, have already made their democratic choice as to who would represent them, and this choice has nothing to do with the Polisario. Sahrawis are aware that this mistake of the past is only the result of a political manipulation that aims to jeopardise the region’s stability without worrying about its fate, he said.

The 72nd Regular Session of the UN General Assembly takes place in the presence of international lawyers, human rights experts, MPs and academicians.


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