Sunday, March 9

Phosphates : SYMPHOS 2013 News

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2nd symposium on phosphate industry opens in Agadir –
The organisers also say the conference is devoted to technological innovations in thephosphate industry and is being attended by major international actors operating in the industry -they include industrialists, manufacturers, suppliers of equipment …
DuPont safety venture to advise African industry
The News Journal
DuPont is joining forces with a leader in the phosphate industry to help companies in Africa improve their safety, operations and environmental performance. Written by. Aaron Nathans. The News Journal. Filed Under. Business · Economy. DuPont is joining…
SYMPHOS 2013: Apatite for rare earths: can phosphate up supply?
Industrial Minerals (registration)
Speaking at SYMPHOS 2013, Patrice Christmann, deputy director of the Bureau of Geological and Mining Research (BRGM) corporate strategy directorate, told delegates that among the many rare earths-bearing minerals, apatite of phosphate is of particular…


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