Sunday, March 9

Phosphate sector bears watching as Syria and Turkey exchange hostilities

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by Proactive Investors

Phosphate sector bears watching as Syria and Turkey exchange hostilities

With Syria and Turkey exchanging hostilities, it would not be a leap of imagination to see phosphate prices climb as Syria is a supplier of phosphate.

Collectively, Morocco, Iraq, China, Algeria, Syria and Jordan control 90 per cent of the world’s remaining known phosphate reserves.

Syria is believed to account for around nine to 11 per cent of global phosphate supply.

With emerging middle classes in countries like China and India eating more meat and dairy products – demand for phosphate continues to rise by around 3 percent a year.

According to the Syrian Investment Agency, phosphate is the country’s sixth-largest national industry, behind other mineral resources such as oil and natural gas.

This was set to increase as the government moves to increase phosphate production from around 3m tonnes annually to approximately 10m tonnes per year.

It also wants to move from simply exporting phosphate to producing and exporting the final products in which it is used, such as fertilizer.

Were hostilities in Syria threaten its supply of phosphate, emerging phosphate suppliers like Minbos (ASX:MNB) could be expected to be seen in a new light given its fast growing phosphate projects as would the current valuation of Minbos.

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