Saturday, December 28

Over 2.7 Billion Euros Mobilised By AFD Over Twenty Years Of Partnership With Morocco

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Rabat – The French Development Agency (AFD), which is celebrating its 20th anniversary in Morocco, said that it has mobilized 2.7 billion dirhams over that period as part of its diversified partnership with the Kingdom.

The Agency has been operating in the fields of water, energy, rural development, transport and education with 543 million euros poored into the Kingdom’s project in this respect in 2011.

Morocco has thus became the first beneficiary of AFD financial support, the Agency said.

On its future strategy, the AFD said that it intends to support public policies in 2011-2013 concerning strengthening the competitiveness of Morocco’s economy and boosting its regional and international openness as well as reducing social and territorial inequalities through funding specific programmes.


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