Saturday, February 22

Ouarzazate Province, Morocco

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Size: 350MW

Type: Ground Mounted

Status: Announced

The two solar plants will have an average production of over 1,100 GWh per year. Image: Abengoa

The African Development Bank Group and the Clean Technology Fund have announced grants totaling US$216 million for Phase II of the Ouarzazate solar project in Ouarzazate Province, Morocco.

The second phase of the project will see the development of two PV plants that will have a combined generation capacity of 350MW, as well as an average production of over 1,100 GWh per year.

The Ouarzazate project serves as part of the Moroccan Solar Energy Programme (NOOR), which holds the goal of producing a minimum capacity of 2,000MW by 2020 within the country.


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