Sunday, February 23

Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt Joins Delegation to Morocco, To Discuss Municipal Policy and Governance

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by Wiliam Crum

Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt, center, met last week with Moroccan officials including Mayor Mohamed Larbi Belcaid, to Holt’s left, in Marrakech.

The Marrakech mayor is holding an Oklahoma City National Memorial Survivor Tree tie that was a gift from Holt. [Photo courtesy of David Holt]

Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt visited the north African nation of Morocco last week with a delegation of United States mayors.

Led by U.S. Conference of Mayors Vice President Bryan Barnett of Rochester Hills, Michigan, the visitors shared insights on municipal governance and policy with their hosts.

Holt said the delegation was invited by Princess Lalla Joumala, Moroccan ambassador to the United States.

Honored to represent Oklahoma City this weekend as part of a delegation of U.S. Mayors exchanging best practices with Moroccan officials.

Here with the Wali (governor) & Mayor of Marrakech, as well as with our team of Mayors from across the country.

— Mayor David Holt (@davidfholt) May 14, 2018
Holt said the U.S. delegation included mayors from Orlando and St. Petersburg in Florida, and Findlay, Ohio, and Thornton, Colorado.


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