Thursday, March 6

Obama mega-bundler, D.C. banker Dwight Bush picked for Morocco posting

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( Carolyn Kaster – AP )
The second term has officially begun — at least in terms of current Obama administration officials being nominated to move in, move up, or move over to replace those moving out.

President Obama on Thursday evening nominated Washington banker and Obama 2012 mega-bundler Dwight L. Bush Sr. to be ambassador to Morocco.

White House Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske got the nod to be Commissioner of Customs at the Department of Homeland Security. Deputy White House counsel Steven Croley is to be general counsel at Energy.

Washington attorney Stevan Bunnell is the pick for general counsel at Homeland Security, while career Foreign Service officer and ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson is the nominee for assistant secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs.

Principal deputy assistant attorney general for legislative affairs Peter Kadzik moves up to be assistant attorney general for legislative affairs, while Suzanne Spaulding, deputy under secretary at Homeland Security for national protection programs moves up to an under secretary slot.

Kathryn Sullivan, who is assistant secretary of Commerce for Observation and Predictions (such a cool title), is to be an under secretary as head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration at Commerce.

Linda Spoonster Schwartz, now commissioner of the Connecticut department of veterans affairs was picked to be assistant secretary for policy and planning at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Air Force Lt. Gen. (Ret) Frank G. Klotz, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, was nominated to be administrator for nuclear security of the National Nuclear Security Administration at the Department of Energy.

And Karen Dynan, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, is the nominee to be assistant secretary for economic policy at the Treasury Department.


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