Sunday, March 9

Nunhems organise melon seminars in Morocco

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Morocco became the first country for melon sales in 2011. The results obtained by farmers in the 2012 spring campaign were negative due to the weather and the market price. That is why Nunhems took the initiative to organize two seminars in major production areas of Marrakesh and Agadir.

Melon specialists with a long history and newcomers, from large farmers to smaller ones, gathered to attend these workshops, which exceeded 60 attendees.

The presentations, which focused both on the technical aspects of melon culture in Morocco and the market analysis (its past, present and future), attracted the attention of the audience, who actively participated in the debate. With this conference we were able to show our customers that we can grow together if we act together with good communication.

Source: Nunhems

Publication date: 10/8/2012



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