Wednesday, March 5

Novelist Sahar Khalifa wins Zafzaf Prize

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Mohamed Zafzaf Prize for Arabic Literature committee decided to award this year’s prize to Palestinian novelist Dr. Sahar Khalifa, and the ceremony and presentation of the prize was set for Sunday.
The committee was composed of novelists Ahmed Al-Madini from Morocco, Wasini Al-A’raj from Algeria, Ismail Fahd Ismail from Kuwait, and Abdu Jubair from Egypt, in addition Asilah Forum Foundation Secretary General Mohamed Benaissa.
The committee statement said that honoring the Palestinian novelist is an act of recognition of her contributions in the Arab World and beyond and comes to support the Voice of Palestine and humanitarian values.
Mohammed Zafzaf prize for Arabic literature is awarded every three years alternately with the Tchikaya U tam’si prize of African and Buland Al-Haidari of young Arab poets.
This prize ceremony is held during Asilah Arts Festival, launched thirty two years ago to foster the rehabilitation and regeneration of the city of Asilah. Today, it is one of the most important art festivals in Morocco.(end) KUNA 301046 Jun 13NNNN


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