Thursday, March 6

New reports about Business in Morocco have been released

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New reports about Business in Moroccohave been released.

Construction and Mining Machinery – Morocco – Market Report

This market research report offers an in-depth perspective on the actual market situation, trends and future outlook for construction and mining machinery in Morocco. The analysis provides essential market information for decision-makers including: * Overall ma…

Morocco Mining Report Q1 2012

Morocco’s mining sector looks set for steady growth over our forecast period from 2011 to 2015, with average real growth of 3.1% year-on-year (y-o-y) and the industry is forecast to reach a value of US$1.55bn by 2015. State activity will remain the major driver o…

Morocco Autos Report Q1 2012

being of key concern in the coming forecast period. The first is the potential effect of membership of the GCC (Gulf Co-Operation Council). This may well come with trade effects, potentially opening up larger markets for re-trading, and also meaning thatMorocco could be used as an export hub to Europe. The downside risk is that it may erode the competitive advantage which the segment currently enjoys, particularly with relation to Eastern Europe. The second is whether political unrest will emerge in a stronger …


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