Tuesday, February 25

New EU-funded project to endorse gender equality in Morocco

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The EU and Morocco this week signed a financing agreement for a support programme to the implementation of the governmental Plan for Equality. This programme will last 48 months and has a budget of €45 million. 

I am happy for the launch of this programme that we support and that reflects the continuity of the government’s commitment on this issue and its will to implement it,” said EU Head of Delegation in Morocco Eneko Landaburu. “I notice with satisfaction that, similarly to the European Union, the promotion of gender equality is a political priority for the Moroccan government, and that it is very clearly committed to equality through the governmental Plan that we support financially,” he added.
The objective of this bilateral programme, through the support of the implementation of the governmental Plan for Equality, is to contribute to improving the conditions of the promotion of gender equality and equity in Morocco. Expected results include a better legal protection for women, a greater representation of women in decision-making positions (political and administrative), the development of an equality culture (campaigns, fight against gender stereotypes in the media), the development of policies and sectorial programmes that contribute to gender equality, the reinforcement of the ministry of solidarity, women, family and social development (and particularly women’s affairs’ department) for an effective steering of the strategy.
The agreement was signed by Ambassador Landaburu, Economy and Finance Minister Nizar Baraka, and Minister of Solidarity, Women, Family and Social Development Mrs. Bassima Hakkoui.
The ministries of justice; economy and finance; communication; modernization of public sectors; and interior are also partners and involved in the implementation of this programme. (EU Neighbourhood Info)
Read more
Info Centre Morocco page
EU Delegation – website
EU Delegation – facebook page




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