Wednesday, March 19

New Cable Assembly Plant Opens In Morrocco

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TE Connectivity Ltd., a world leader in connectivity, today officially opened its first cable manufacturing plant in Morocco’s Tangier Free Trade Zone.

The inauguration of the new cable assembly plant is an important milestone in TE’s strategic partnership with the Moroccan government to join the automotive ecosystem. The collaboration is part of the government’s strategic industrialization and acceleration program which has established the automotive sector as one of its top priorities for growth. With the support of the Ministry of Industry team and the Tangier Mediterranean Special Agency (TMSA), TE established the facility and started operations in less than one year.

“Today’s celebration marks the integration of TE Connectivity within the cabling ecosystem. We are very pleased to welcome TE to the region and we look forward to further expanding our strategic partnership,” said Mr. Moulay Hafid Elalamy, Minister of Industry, Trade, Investment and Digital Economy. “TE’s investments are in line with the objectives set by the Industrial Acceleration Plan. These investments are an important step for the development of the automotive industry in Morocco. They will generate new jobs, and foster both a greater integration of the sector and the replacement of imports. They will also create opportunities for local partners and suppliers.”

Exclusively focused on special purpose cable assemblies, TE’s new Morocco site manufactures products for automotive applications and serves the growing needs of Automotive customers in the greater Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region.

“Opening manufacturing operations in Morocco will create new business opportunities for TE and enable us to generate a new level of extraordinary customer experience, bringing production closer to our customer base within Tangier,” said Mr. John Pryce, senior vice president and general manager, Automotive EMEA. “Our investment allows us to enhance our role as a strategic partner in the Moroccan Automotive industry.”

The timely establishment of the project was enabled by an exceptional level of commitment and support from both the government authorities and the Tangier Free Zone office teams.

“The Tangier-Med industrial platform is supporting the expansion of the Automotive ecosystem in Tangier. With its innovative solutions, TE is a great addition to our community and benefits from excellent infrastructure as well as a highly educated workforce and business mindset in Morocco,” said Mr. Mehdi Tazi, Director for TMSA Industrial Platforms.


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