Sunday, March 9

Netherlands, Morocco To Co-Chair Global Anti-Terrorism Forum

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The Netherlands and Morocco will be the new co-chairs of the Global Counter terrorism Forum (GCTF), the Dutch foreign ministry said in a press release.

“From this new position the Netherlands and Morocco can work together to direct the fight against terrorism,” said foreign minister Bert Koenders.

The Netherlands will replace the United States as co-chair in October, while Morocco will replace Turkey in May 2016.

The GCTF is an international partnership of 29 countries and the European Union which is committed to improving worldwide cooperation on counterterrorism. The Forum is chiefly concerned with issues like de-radicalisation and strengthening the rule of law and the justice system in the fight against terrorism.

“‘The Forum helps reduce terrorist recruitment and helps make countries resilient enough to tackle terrorism within their own borders and in their own region,” said Koenders.

The Netherlands and Morocco have been working together within the GCTF for some time, leading a working group on foreign terrorist fighters.

“By pinpointing the best ways of dealing with foreign terrorist fighters, countries can learn from one another. Together with Morocco we have ensured that we are approaching this problem in the same way and from the same perspective,” added Koenders.

The GCTF was launched officially in New York at the level of foreign ministers on 22 September 2011. (end)


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