Monday, February 24

Netherlands: First arrivals Maroc Late at Van Walderveen

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Bas van Walderveen: “We continue till August”
Netherlands: First arrivals Maroc Late at Van Walderveen


walderveen.gifThis week the first Maroc Late oranges arrived at Van Walderveen, the Netherlands. Van Walderveen are importing Maroc Late for the fifth year in a row from Prim’ Atlas. “Moroccan citrus is becoming more and more important for our company. We found a new supplier in the Marrakech area and hope to continue with oranges till August” Bas van Walderveen tells.


Van Walderveen sell the Maroc Late under the trade marks Holmar and Faras. According to the importer there is a large crop in Morocco. “Especially small sizes are plentiful, but there are not too many large sizes. Therefore higher prices are expected for sizes 48/54/60 and 70. At the moment Russia is loading a whole lot in Morocco. If they continue, that would have a positive effect on sales in the European market.”


For more information:
Bas van Walderveen / Elvira Schipper
Van Walderveen
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 30 284 80 40 / +31 30 2848058
Fax: +31 30 289 92 14 of +31 030 280 57 38
Mob: +31 6 23456843

Publication date: 3/14/2012



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