Wednesday, February 26

Naturex Foundation Helps Moroccan Schoolchildren

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AVIGNON, FranceThe primary school Mata Nouaceur in Casablanca, Morocco, welcomed members of EMA (Enfance Maghreb Avenir [literally, ³Childhood Maghreb Future²]), including the Naturex Foundation, on a tour of the building, showcasing the early completed stages of renovation funded by the guests. Jacques Dikansky, president of the Naturex Foundation, took part in the festivities, which included a show by the school children.

Among the renovations made possible by EMA
and Naturex, the surrounding wall was built higher, the playground was repaved and sanitary blocks for the girls were built. The school¹s faculty, students and parents all chipped in to work on the project, which has only just begun. Other projects planned include the restoration of classrooms, the improvement of green spaces and outfitting some of the classrooms with computers, which will allow the older children to attend informatics workshops.

³This project goes beyond a simple school refurbishment,² Dikansky said. ³The EMA association has done a wonderful job by involving all stakeholders in line with youth education.²

Naturex has an extraction site in nearby Casablanca, which has provided the company has access to abundant raw materials such as rosemary, thyme, artichoke, hawthorn, chaste tree and pomegranate. Naturex has developed strong relationships, with the local people who produce and harvest these plants, and the company felt it was natural for its foundation to support projects lead by national government organizations (NGOs) in Morocco.


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