Monday, March 10

Mustapha Salma Ould Sidi Mouloud Urges Lifting Blockade On Tindouf Camps

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Nouakchott – Sahrawi activist Mustapha Salma Ould Sidi Mouloud called for lifting the blockade imposed on population held captive in the camps of Tindouf (southern Algeria), due to the rigid security measures.

From Mauritania’s capital where he lives since his expulsion by the polisario two years ago, Mustapha Salma made a call, affirming that Sahrawis in the camps of Tindouf are mistreated especially at checkpoints by the Algerian control unit.

In his call, made on the occasion of the visit by UNSG personal envoy for the Sahara Christopher Ross, Mustapha Salma said that he has been recently at the Mauritanian northern border where he met with some dwellers of the Tindouf camps complaining about the coercive security measures and the blockade on the camps, which are surrounded by a sand wall patrolled by units of the Algerian army.
Despite all of this, the so-called independent media outlets are tuning a blind eye on these practices, he said.



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