Thursday, March 6

Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Says Caliphate is Near

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The Christian Broadcasting Network

Erick Stakelbeck

It’s all falling into place. Egypt. Tunisia. Morocco. Libya. Yemen. With Syria, Jordan and Algeria possibly on the horizon and Egypt’s tenuous peace treaty with Israelpotentially out the window. Yes, 2011 wasvery good to the Muslim Brotherhood. But Brotherhood leaders believe 2012 will be even better. And with developments like this, why not?

Here’s the Muslim Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide and overall leader, Mohamed Badie–a man, incidentally, who publicly declared war on the United States back in September 2010, a few months before the onset of the so-called Arab Spring–crowing last week about the imminence of the Brotherhood’s ultimate goal: the reestablishment of the Islamic Caliphate:

The Muslim Brotherhood is close to achieving the “ultimate goal” set by the group’s founder Hassan al-Banna in 1928, which is the establishment of a “just and reasonable regime.”

The project begins with the creation of a sound government and ends with the establishment of a just Islamic caliphate, said Mohamed Badie, the Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt on Thursday, in his weekly message on the group’s official website.

When the group first began its mission, it aimed at guiding and awakening the nation so that it could regain its position after a long period of delay and recession, said Badie.

He went on to describe the two key aims outlined by Banna at the group’s sixth conference. The first objective was to increase group membership numbers. The second was the establishment of a long-term plan for the reform of all aspects of people’s lives.

Banna specified stages through which the ultimate purpose could be achieved, said Badie. The first step is the reform of the individual, then building, in order, sound family units, a society, and a governance system, and finally establishing a caliphate system.

In this Thursday message, the supreme guide linked the Arab Spring to the ultimate aims of the Brotherhood, saying that the uprisings were intent on achieving specific targets, on which they refused to compromise.

I predicted here last week that calls for the return of the Caliphate would intensify in 2012 and have been warning about this movement now for months. Again, the only question might be, who will lead it?



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