Sunday, February 23

Morocco’s Omar Hilale Elected Vice-President of ECOSOC

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The North Africa Post

Morocco’s permanent representative to the UN in New York, Ambassador Omar Hilale was elected vice-president of the Economic and Social Council.

The 54-member council, which serves as the principal organ for the socioeconomic and related work of the UN, elected Inga Rhonda King as its new president.

The appointment of Omar Hilale vice-president of ECOSOC was described as a hallmark of the international community’s support for Africa and as a recognition of Morocco’s efforts to implement the 2030 SDGs, Morocco’s official news agency said.

During this term, Morocco will chair the segments on integration, humanitarian issues and development, it said.

ECOSOC serves as the central forum for discussing international economic and social issues and formulating policy recommendations addressed to member states and the UN system.

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