Tuesday, March 18

Morocco’s King And France’s President Launch ‘Tangiers’ Call For Solidarity-Based And Strong Action In Favor Of Climate’

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HM and Hollande

HM King Mohammed VI of Morocco, and French President Francois Hollande, chaired, on Sunday at the Gueznaya urban commune (Tangiers-Assilah prefecture), the launch ceremony of the “Tangiers’ Call for solidarity-based and strong action in favor of climate”, an initiative mirroring the two countries’ determination to join efforts to help the international community find adequate responses to climate change.

At the beginning of the ceremony, Moroccan and French foreign ministers, Salaheddine Mezouar and Laurent Fabius, read out the joint statement “Tangiers’ Call” in which the two countries urge the international community, the public opinion and the world’s stakeholders to combat climate change in a serious, efficient and equitable way.

The Tangiers’ Call, which follows the Manila Call (the Philippines) and the Fort-de-France Call, rings the alarm bell concerning the urgency to take a solidarity-based and strong action in favor of climate and the need to act quickly, soundly and collectively to fight climate change, according to the Arab Maghreb Press, MAP.

Morocco and France, which will assume the presidency of the upcoming COP21 and COP22, call for seizing the occasion of the Paris and Marrakech conferences to speed up the transition towards a green global economy, reconciling legitimate aspirations for development with the pressing need for resources’ sustainability and the reduction of environmental risks.

The Tangiers’ Call recalls that Morocco and France are committed to sparing no effort to work for the adoption, during the Paris conference, of a legally-binding universal, global, sustainable, and balanced agreement, based on the UN framework agreement on climate change and allowing to curb global warming under 2 degree Celsius and achieve a carbon-free economy.

It also underlines that the Marrakech conference will be a crucial phase in this regard, adding that this long-term effort depends on the fact that all countries will declare their national contributions before the Paris conference, in addition to the elaboration of national carbon-free development and adaptation plans on the long term.

Morocco and France call on developed countries to state the financial support which they have already provided and intend to give in the coming years to reach the goal of mobilizing 100 billion dollars yearly starting 2020 from public and private resources in favor of actions to fight climate change in developing countries.

On this occasion, HM the King and president Francois Hollande signed the joint statement “the Tangiers’ Call”.


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