Thursday, March 6


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London / Morocco Board News —The low confidence is going to increase to new crises in Morocco especially since the minister of Justice, a certain Imam turned politician, accused tourists of being sinners and against God’s teaching, as if there were no Moroccan sinners; but again he will deal with them later or perhaps “les arabes après les crapeaux”. Most importantly he is jeopardizing one of the main sources of the Moroccan economy when attacking foreign tourists.

If I were to go to Morocco and hear such nonsense pronounced by Ramid I would postpone such a visit; his declaration is amounting to a sort of Fatwa inviting terrorism, the like of the last Marrakech bombing. I would go to Turkey or to another destination than waste time in such a country run by people making such irresponsible declarations.

Mr Ramid should concentrate on solving Article 475 dealing with criminals when rapists are getting scotch free (nothing to do with alcohol) from their crimes and rewarded to lavish their victims to their hearts’ content and divorce them. What a nice way to go around the country raping young girls, marrying them and divorcing them at will, with the help of Mr Ramid.
If the 2004 law puts the age of marriage at 18 why should such a fatwa, or any other authorization, be granted to anyone even to the minister of justice himself? Article 475 should be revoked forthwith and Amina Filali’s death would not have been in vain. The age of marriage at 18 should be respected if Mr Ramid really believes in justice and the Moroccan constitution.
His first priority should be to deal with issues that are relevant to all Moroccan women in the first place, their parents second and the whole nation third, rather than covering rapists’ acts and pretend that there is a perfect society.

The PJD is, at one stage, claiming to be above moral issues, and at another, through the Minister of Justice, is in fact, doing the opposite. The PJD is already flouting with democracy which is only a wishful thinking. As long as the country is run by such irresponsible people, putting the tourist economy, one of the major activities of Morocco, at risk, the country is in danger to returning to the Dark Ages and starvation if inward foreign investment and technology dry out. The PJD cannot change from theocracy to democracy, as the Moroccan saying goes, “you cannot straighten the tail of a hound even if you kept it moulded in a reed.



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